IEEE DEIS Transport Electrification Technical Committee Workshop

Sunday, June 2nd, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (Central Time)


The workshop is organized by the IEEE DEIS Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation for Transport Electrification technical committee. The workshop aims at introducing and discussing topics about insulation issues, choices, design, and testing that are critical for ensuring the reliability of transport electrification systems. Presentations will be given concerning:

  1. Perspectives about using well-established and novel dielectrics in environments with diverse and more demanding operating conditions.
  2. Specific aspects for insulation used in aircraft or satellites.
  3. Insulation for power electronic devices enabling improved power densities in transport electrification drives
  4. Testing of rotating machines used in transport electrification drives: differences between current practices for industrial machines.
  5. Working towards standardization: the role of IEEE DEIS.

Who should attend:

The workshop will be held informally, with the aim of stimulating the discussion. The audience of the workshop can be diverse, from industry leaders to researchers willing to discuss topics and/or participate in the activities of the IEEE DEIS Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation for Transport Electrification technical committee.

Date and Time:

Sunday, June 2nd, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (Central Time)

IEEE DEIS TC Outdoor Insulation
Strategy and Future Plan Workshop

Tuesday, June 4th, 1:30pm to 3:30pm (Central Time)


The IEEE DEIS committee is looking to develop their future strategy and work plan based on the Two key areas highlighted below. As part of our work plan, we would like to invite members from the IEEE committee to drive our areas of interest and also feed into the task and finish groups, that we will be delivering over the next few years. The committee will be hosting a workshop on Tuesday, June 4th, 1:30 to 3:30 PM (CST), where you can participate in discussion and areas of interest highlighted below.

Ageing Mechanism – Material degradation 


With new and legacy HV assets on the electrical network, there is an urgent need to understand ageing of insulation material that is used for outdoor insulation. From ceramics to composite materials, the ageing of insulation can vary based on age, asset type, location of installation and the type of voltage and stresses (AC, DC, impulse etc) it will experience. Challenges exist in how to replicate said ageing mechanisms within laboratory conditions, especially with multi-physical ageing mechanisms. The workshop would be an opportunity to feed into this specific work stream of the technical committee, and drive the focus of our work for the next couple of year.


Degradation of insulating materials with respect to understanding condition monitoring indicators


Condition monitoring is a key part of asset management of outdoor HV assets. These sensors are capable of monitoring several health indices and ageing mechanisms, allowing utilities and asset owners to make key decisions on the asset health and integrity. However, there is little information towards sensitivity of said tools and sensors to different ageing mechanisms. There is also limited testing and verification of sensitivity of, off-the -shelf sensors, within lab based insulation aging tests. The technical committee is looking to understand the challenges within condition monitoring of outdoor insulation, and also the metrics on how different types of sensors can be tested. The workshop would be an opportunity to feed into this specific work stream of the technical committee, and drive the focus of our work for the next couple of year.

Who should attend:

This Workshop is open to individuals who have an interest and/or expertise in Outdoor Insulation, members of the Technical Committee or not.

Date and Time:

Tuesday, June 4th, 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm (Central Time)