Short Courses 2025
Sunday, June 8, 2025
12:30 pm to 4:30 pm
(12:30 – 16:30)
We are proudly offering 3 very special Short-Courses to our attendees. They will happen on Sunday afternoon, from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm (12:30-16:30).
Since the sessions will happen in parallel, you can only attend one of the sessions.
Attending the short-courses will give you the chance to accumulate continuing education credits, from the IEEE Credentialing Program.
How are continuing education credits calculated?
Continuing education credits are calculated based on strictly instructional hours (without breaks) and all educational content must fall within IEEE’s fields of interest (STEM topics). Each learning event must be at least one hour in length to qualify for credits.
– 1 hour of instructional hours = 0.1 CEU/1 PDH
– 10 hours of instructional hours = 1 CEU/10 PDH
See following the short-courses description!

Howard W Penrose, Ph.D., CMRP
MotorDoc LLC

Electrical Insulation Forensics
Sunday Afternoon – 1/2 day course (4 hrs)
This half-day seminar covers aspects of root-cause-failure-analysis (RCFA) of electrical insulation systems in electric machines. It will provide participants with a method and examples for approaching system failures utilizing an industry recognized process
Howard W Penrose, Ph.D., CMRP, MotorDoc LLC, Lombard, IL
Howard Penrose is the president of MotorDoc LLC, a past chair of the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP), SMRP government relations energy, smart-grid and infrastructure committee chair, and participates in the American Clean Power Association (formerly AWEA) electric machine and powertrain technical committees. He is a Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP) and a leader in electrical signature analysis for AC/DC electric machines and related machine learning and augmented intelligence continuous monitoring systems for commercial, industrial, utility and wind industries. Dr. Penrose has been involved in the development of bio-medical electric machines, General Motors hybrid vehicle motorsystems, special high-temperature and inverter motor designs, and a variety of electric machinery (motor and generator) design support for John Deere hybrid 644 and 944 tractors including the development of insulation life studies. He has over 35 years of electric machinery repair, design, academia, and consulting including RCFA studies of electrical machinery and electrical insulation systems failure. MotorDoc is a certified Veteran Owned Small Business and provides consulting, field service and design support related to electrical and industrial reliability.
Course Outline:
Module 1 – An introduction to the RCFA Process
- Simple 5-Why
- Complex utilizing PROACT methodologies
Module 2 – Tools for forensic investigation
- Pre-failure histories such as: vibration, infrared, insulation to ground, voltage, current, electrical signature analysis, partial discharge
- Additional investigative tools such as: microscope, borescope and other visual and investigative methods
Module 3 – Walk-Through Examples:
- Wind Turbine wedge and insulation failures
- 460 Volt induction machine
- 8 kV synchronous machine
- Inverter application
Key Benefits:
- Apply critical thinking to electrical insulation system failures
- Recognize the causes of common insulation system failures
- Understanding operating context in RCFA
Who Should Attend?
- Engineers and technicians responsible for electrical machinery systems
- Non-engineering employees who want a basic knowledge of RCFA techniques
- Managers responsible for electrical machinery systems
- Reliability & Maintenance engineers

Diego Robalino, Ph.D.
Principal Engineer

Transformer Insulation Diagnostics – Field perspective perspective
Sunday Afternoon -1/2 day course
This course describes the most important methodologies used for transformer insulation diagnostics in the field. The topics include time and frequency domain methodologies described in the international literature including insulation resistance, Power Factor, newly developed features for improved Power Factor diagnostics and advanced diagnostics with Dielectric Frequency Response.
Diego Robalino, Ph.D., Megger Principal Engineer
Diego Robalino currently works for Megger as Principal Engineer, where he specializes in the diagnosis of complex electrical testing procedures. While doing research in power system optimization with a focus on aging equipment at Tennessee Technological University, Robalino received his electrical engineering PhD from that institution. Robalino has over 20 years of involvement in the electrical engineering profession with management responsibilities in the power systems, oil and gas, and research arenas. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, member of the IEEE transformers main committee and a certified Project Management Professional with the PMI. An active member of DEIS and Vice-Chair of EIC 2019. Author and coauthor of numerous technical papers published and presented at major national and international conferences.
Course Outline:
Module 1 – Introduction
- Transformer Insulation
- Fundamentals of Insulation Diagnostics
- Standardization
Module 2 – Time Domain Dielectric Response
- Insulation Resistance
- Polarization Index
Module 3 –Frequency Domain Dielectric Response
- Line frequency power factor
- Capacitance & Power Factor measurement
- Factors influencing results of Power Factor test
- Temperature Correction
- Voltage dependence of Power Factor
- Power Factor on HV and EHV bushings
- Diagnostics of C1 & C2
- Narrow band frequency response
- Importance in the analysis
- Application on HV and EHV bushings
- Correct Interpretation of results
Module 4 –Dielectric Frequency Response
- Theory
- Effect of moisture on oil-paper insulation
- DFR on Power and Distribution Transformers
- Quantitative analysis of moisture concentration
- Overall condition assessment
- Temperature effect on the dielectric response
Module 5 Special Applications of DFR
- Factory and Field dry-out
Key Benefits:
Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to:
- Identify the requirements to performs an efficient and safe test procedure in the field
- Understand the challenges encountered in the field for transformer field assessment
- Properly analyze the test data from the field
- Make proper use of advanced features in power factor technology
- Apply sound technical decisions related to transformer insulation diagnostics
Who Should Attend?
- Engineers and Field personnel responsible for the planning and execution of testing practices in the field
- Asset managers, operation managers responsible for condition assessment of critical components in the electrical system
- Industry experts looking at new technological tendencies in the field testing arena
- Consultants who are looking for more advanced and efficient

Mladen Sasic
Manager of Rotating Machines Technical Services
IRIS Power, Canada

Stator Core Interlaminar Insulation Testing
Sunday Afternoon -1/2 day course
The course will cover basic design of stator core, materials used, and preparation for and delivery of interlaminar insulation tests.
Mladen Sasic is Manager of Rotating Machines Technical Services with IRIS Power, Canada
He has 37 years of experience in design and testing of High Voltage Electrical Power Equipment.
Before joining IRIS, Mladen was with ADWEL International LTD., where he was involved in design and application of test equipment for on-line and off-line testing of rotating machines.
Mladen Sasic received a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Sarajevo University, Yugoslavia in 1987. He is a Fellow member of the IEEE and is a registered professional engineer in Ontario, Canada.
Course Outline
Module 1 – Introduction
Module 2 – Core Design
Module 3 – High Flux Tests
Module 4 – Low Flux Tests
Key Benefits:
Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to:
- Identify need for core testing
- Understand limitations of each test
- Properly analyze test results
- Apply sound technical decisions related to life extension of existing cores, or acceptance of new core
Who Should Attend?
- Engineers and Field personnel responsible for the planning and execution of testing practices in the field
- Asset managers, operation managers responsible for condition assessment of critical components in the electrical system
- Industry experts looking at new technological tendencies in the field testing arena
- Consultants who are looking for more advanced and efficient